Gaming, esports and fans of the future

Gaming, esports and fans of the future

How many licenses do you have to take care of to deploy a world-best-selling football gaming franchise?  How to globalize and localize the gaming experience? How can a regular sport gain new fans by embracing the gaming industry?

These are only a few of the questions that our prominent speakers answered during a session of Legia Sport Business Programme in Legia Training Center on Sunday 25th Feb 2024.

With the vast experience of Gabriel Miedzianowski working for the legendary EA Sports and Adrian Jastrzębski who is a leading expert in the esports industry, we were able to provide the participants of the LSBP with unique insights.

Kinga Święcicka revealed Legia’s approach to delivering successful events: games, gigs, and other types of mass gatherings. The participants of the course have been invited to take one-game internships this season to learn how we implement this methodology.

Everyone also had a chance to discover Legia Training Center during a guided tour of our facility.

If you want to get on a freeway to a career in the professional sports industry and learn from the best practitioners, apply for the 4th edition of Legia Sport Business Programme now through the APPLICATION FORM at

Your dream jobs are waiting for you!